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Southern Living

Last weekend a select crew of individuals pulled straight from UCWRFC rolled down to Savannah, Georgia to assist other teams by providing subs and getting some good ol' fashioned experience. Lucky players to attend the weekend tournament included Olivia "Gluv" Clement, Jess "Mango" Sang, Maddie "Witt" Boyd, Paige Roller, Hailey Tippett, Abby "Woody" Lowman, and Kaye Birks. Player of the Match for this time around was the one and only Gluv! Gluv played prop for the majority of the time and was specially strong during scrums and rucks, despite never have played for a women's team before. "Everyone played really well and played different positions," Woody said. "Roller also played flanker and was consistent in rucks and pod plays." The team has been training for larger tournaments but strives to gain experience through casual opportunities like the Savannah St. Patrick's tournament. The team will be prepping this week to ride down to Nashville, Tennessee to compete in the annual Nash Bash tournament. Make sure you keep up with our tournament schedule on our site and social media accounts so that you don't miss our upcoming home tournament in April!

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